Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kara's "broken" feelings

Jeff and Kara were upstairs tonight watching Family Guy in bed and I was down stairs wrapping last minute presents. Thank goodness I had some stocking stuffers bought so I had something to wrap for Kara's gift exchange at school tomorrow. When Kara comes down stairs silently. Our stairs make noise that my "mommy ears" have down pat. She stands next to me crying saying that daddy told her to go to bed. I told her that it is late and she needs to go to bed. She says "well, he broke my feelings." I wanted to laugh but seeing her crying eyes made me hold it in. We went upstairs to tell daddy how she felt. He had a hard time keeping a straight face also. If you think about it it does make sense. Why would feelings get hurt? Wouldn't they be broken?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Visiting Santa

Kara and I were shopping in Waterloo on the 12th when we saw the man in red! We were in the hallway of the mall when Santa started waving at Kara. She waved back and hid behind my leg. I asked if she wanted to talk to him and she said no at first. Then Santa came over to her and said hello and shook her hand. He finally convinced her to sit on his lap. Kara told him that she wanted Strawberry Shortcake toys for Christmas. He told her that she was a very special girl. She took that seriously. We were walking through the mall when we heard the song about giving your heart away and this year saving it for someone special. Kara got excited and said that she was special because Santa said that she was special. I told her that yes she was special. Later that night at home she told Jeff that Santa said she was special. It was too cute! We finally got a cute picture of her with Santa.

Christmas Outing

On Saturday December 12th Kara, Jeff and I went to Cedar Rapids. We were going to brave the stores and do some Christmas shopping. BIG mistake. We were in the Kohl's parking lot moving at a snails pace in the parking lot. Jeff dropped Kara and I off at the front door and we browsed around the store for a little while but nothing caught our eye. I called Jeff and asked where he was in the parking lot. He said that he hadn't even moved 30 feet. So we jumped back in the car and sure enough he wasn't even two car lengths away from where he dropped us off.

We were making our was out of the parking lot again at a snails pace when we decided to switch spots. I took over the driving and he took Kara into Barnes and Noble to do some shopping for me. In the end it took me over an hour to go up one aisle and down another. When I was making my way across the parking lot I called Jeff and told him to bring me a grande white chocolate mocha from Starbucks when he comes out. I also told him that forgetting it would not be good for his health. Needless to say, he remembered.

After we made it out of the parking lot we tried to locate a new place to eat but settled on Ruby Tuesday's. That was interesting. Kara wanted her normal chicken nuggets and fries but I convinced her to have some of my steak instead. Thought i was getting steak, lobster and mac and cheese. However, the lobster was actually in the mac and cheese. Different, but not bad.

After eating we finally made our way to the theater. Seeing a movie was our real reason for going to Cedar Rapids. Jeff and I took Kara to see the Princess and the Frog. It was a wonderful film! Kara was great! She watched the movie and even got up and danced a few times. At the end of the movie she was in a hurry to go to the lobby. She wanted a pretzel with "little butter on it" needless to say, she didn't like the salt. LOL She did like the movie though!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Hello there everyone! I have started this blog to chat with everyone who is far from us! I am hoping to keep pictures and stories up to date. I am hoping this will become a regular thing for our family to use.